• For most row crops, Holganix Bio 800⁺ Agriculture is applied one-time at 0.5 gallons/acre at planting.

    Gently mix Holganix Bio 800⁺ Agriculture before pouring or pumping the product into the spray tank.​

    Holganix Bio 800⁺ Agriculture can be added to a tank alongside other inputs in any order, but preferably it is one of the last products added to the tank.​

    Holganix Bio 800⁺ Agriculture tank mixes with most fertilizers and chemicals, with only fungicides to be avoided when possible.​

    Clogging isn't a problem, however, clogging can occasionally occur with precision in-row planting equipment and small (100 mesh screens). If concerned, the product may be filtered through the filter sock provided with each tote. ​

    For best practices, apply Holganix Bio 800⁺ Agriculture once the soil temperatures reach 50 degrees F. ​

    If you are using fine screens or nozzles, a filter sock will be provided by Holganix. Filter the product before applying to avoid clogging.​

    May be applied over the top during crop/cover crop burn-down prior to planting the next crop. Mixing with herbicide is fine.​

    May be applied over the top of manure or spreading other organic material on a field.​

    There are no re-entry or harvest restrictions when using Holganix Bio 800⁺ Agriculture. ​

    There is no special disposal required for unused Holganix Bio 800⁺ Agriculture or residual cleaned out from tanks and spray lines.

  • Injecting in-furrow or in a liquid band at planting

    This is the preferred method, and mixing the product with fertilizer is recommended. If you are not mixing it with fertilizer or other chemicals, dilute Holganix Bio 800⁺ Agriculture at a rate of 0.5 gallons of Holganix Bio 800⁺ Agriculture with 2.5 gallons of water or other liquid, per acre minimum. This rate is for row crops only.

    When injection is not an option

    Holganix Bio 800⁺ Agriculture may be applied with pre-emergent or with first, post-emergent herbicide (or other chemical) application. The greater the total liquid volume applied per acre, the better. 10 gallons/acre total liquid is sufficient if the Holganix Bio 800⁺Agriculture/Herbicide mix is being applied onto a field with some crop debris or manure on top, or on newly emerged plants. Avoid applying Holganix Bio 800⁺ Agriculture at a low total liquid volume per acre onto bare soil. Apply Holganix Bio 800⁺ Agriculture as close to planting as practical since a key benefit of the product is early root establishment.

    Fertigation and Chemigation

    Holganix Bio 800⁺ Agriculture will run through most irrigation equipment. Just, change out your screen size to 20 mesh or larger. Flush out your system after you apply Holganix Bio 800⁺ Agriculture through your fertigation or chemigation equipment.

  • Holganix Bio 800⁺ Breakdown is applied one time at 0.5 gallons/acre after harvest.

    Apply the product when soil temperatures are at or above 50 degrees for maximum benefit.​

    Total foliar spray volume should be at least 15 gallons per acre​

    There are no re-entry restrictions associated with Holganix Bio 800⁺ Breakdown when applied without pesticides​

    Clogging isn't a problem, however, clogging can occasionally occur with precision in-row planting equipment and small (100 mesh screens). If concerned, the product may be filtered through the filter sock provided with each tote.​

    Holganix Bio 800⁺ products can be stored at ambient temperatures, and out of direct sunlight for up to two weeks without product degradation. The product should be refrigerated for long-term storage. Long-term refrigeration storage is provided for customers that meet purchasing minimums.

  • If you are using fine screens or nozzles, a filter sock will be provided by Holganix. Filter the product before applying to avoid clogging.

    Find more information on Youtube HERE.

  • Holganix Bio 800⁺ Agriculture may be mixed with most crop chemicals and fertilizers. If possible, avoid tank mixing Holganix Bio 800⁺ Agriculture with fungicides. Before adding Holganix Bio 800⁺ Agriculture to the tank, mix the product by swirling the jug or mixing in the tote to get the sediment into suspension (sediment is mostly humic acid). Holganix Bio 800⁺ Agriculture may be added to the tank in any order, but preferably it is added toward the end of the tank fill.

    University studies have shown that Glyphosate, 2,4-D, and Dicamba uptake is increased when tank-mixing with Holganix Bio 800+. This increased uptake is not observed with other herbicides. While turf professionals using our products choose to reduce their use of herbicides with the product, Holganix is not recommending reductions for agriculture use. Instead, growers can expect better weed control especially in resistant and hard to control weed species.

  • Once the grower dilutes Holganix Bio 800⁺ into a spray tank, the shelf-life timer starts over again. Shelf life in the tank, depending on the dilution, can be up to 30 days. However, if the mixture sits in a warm tank for a long period of time, the microbes will grow and may clog fine mesh screens and tips with small openings.

    Growers are still able to put the product down, but they may need to clean screens more frequently. Regardless, Holganix always recommends a 20 mesh screen or larger whenever present. To avoid clogging, use a filter sock prior to use.

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