REAL WORLD RESULTS See the impact of Holganix Bio 800⁺ on root mass and crop yields Location: Southwest, IA Application: 0.5 gallons/ acre of Bio 800+ Agriculture Location: Southeast, IA Application: 0.5 gallons/acre of Bio 800+ Agriculture Notes: The grower believes that by counting kernels, he has estimated a 99-bushel advantage. Location: Southeast, IA Application: 0.5 gallons/acre of Bio 800+ Agriculture Notes: Sprayed Foliar at Plant Time. Grower believes that by counting kernels, he has estimated a 72-bushel advantage. Location: Southeast, Iowa Left Field- No Holganix Right Field- 0.5 Gallons of Bio 800+/ Acre Right Field- In-Furrow Location: Western Missouri Application: 0.5 gallons/acre of Bio 800+ Agriculture Notes: Improved root formation compared to the control. All other inputs used were replicated in the control. Location: Western Missouri Application: 0.5 gallons/acre of Bio 800+ Agriculture Notes: Improved root, nodule, and earlier pod formations. Cotton Location: SouthEast Missouri Application: 0.5 gallons/acre of Bio 800+ Agriculture Notes: Both the treated and the control groups were non-irrigated. Cotton Location: SouthEast Missouri Application: 0.5 gallons/acre of Bio 800+ Agriculture Notes: Both the treated and the control groups were non-irrigated. Cotton Location: SouthEast Missouri Application: 0.5 gallons/acre of Bio 800+ Agriculture Notes: Both the treated and the control groups were non-irrigated. Blackberries Location: North Carolina Application: The blackberries shown in the right picture were treated with 1.5 gallons per acre of Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub, through drip irrigation, followed by 1 gallon per acre applications in May, June, and July. Notes: Photos taken by the grower on August 10, 2022. Blackberries Location: North Carolina Application: The blackberries shown in the right picture were treated with 1.5 gallons per acre of Bio 800+ Tree and Shrub, through drip irrigation, followed by 1 gallon per acre applications in May, June, and July. Notes: According to the grower, the blackberry bushes treated with the Bio 800 Tree and Shrub look much healthier in comparison to the control. In addition, Holganix-treated bushes have fewer leaf issues and less disease pressure. Pasture Location: Alabama Application: The top two were seeded with fescue mix and no fertilizer or weed control. The bottom two are seeded with fescuse mix and two applications of Holganix Bio 800 Agriculture. Notes: All four photos were taken in the same field.